
Showing posts from February, 2020

Stay motivated with support from friends and family

According to research published in Telemedicine and e- Health Journal , when you are accountable to others than yourself it enhances motivation to continue with behavioral change activities. You don’t have to travel alone. Surround yourself with family and friends to stay motivated throughout your weight management journey. Hand pick members of your accountability circle and customize the data you would like to share with each member of your circle. Then celebrate successes on the message board and offer encouragement through the private messaging system. With this innovative design, your accountability circle surrounds you with family and friends to share successes and help each other stay on track Source by:

Surefiz® Is A Holistic Approach Including Smart Apps

More than just a scale At the heart of the SureFiz® system is our innovative, patent-pending WiFi scale that does so much more than measure weight. Dynamically integrated with the smart dashboard, our system provides comprehensive body composition measurements, trend data and visual tracking of progress toward weekly sub goals and your overall weight loss goal. When you step on the scale, the system immediately integrates with the smart dashboard, which you can access through a smartphone application or web browser. The dashboard provides a customizable view of the data you need, with athlete mode available for those interested in more detail. In addition to weekly sub goal performance and overall tracking toward your long-term weight loss goal, stay informed with full body composition measurements and trend data including: weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat, body water, muscle mass and bone mass. Resource by:

Break down your long-term weight goal into manageable milestones

We are driven by long-term goals. They provide direction and motivation to achieve great things. However, long- term goals can be so big that they seem out of reach. According to the Mayo Clinic, you may benefit from breaking down a long-term goal into a series of smaller, short-term goals. The SureFiz ® system promotes this practice of setting short-term goals to help you stay on track and motivated to achieve your long-term goal. Using a patent-pending algorithm, the SureFiz ® system creates and dynamically manages weekly sub goals tailored just for you. The SureFiz ® system adapts to you, adjusting sub goals based on your progress. Like a GPS that recalculates if you miss a turn or encounter a delay on the way to your destination, the system adjusts your sub goals and overall timeline as needed based on weekly achievements. How does it work? The SureFiz ® system is equipped with a mathematical model that calculates potential weight loss curves based on your st...

We are getting closer and closer! Rigorous testing!

We are getting closer and closer! Rigorous testing! Learn More

An inch of action is better than a mile of intention.

An inch of action is better than a mile of intention. Learn more


When you feel like stopping remember your “why”. Keep going and remember how far you’ve come! Learn more at:

The drive is in YOU!


Get strong, strength is derived from your goals!

Get strong, strength is derived from your goals! Learn more at: #strong #surefizstrong #surefiz #fitness #fitchick #excercise #healthyfood #commitment #igdaily #motivation

Our goal is to benefit humanity through technology.

Our goal is to benefit humanity through technology. The drive is within you! All we do, is measure your success!

Involved in sports?

Involved in sports? Our athlete dashboard is the perfect tool for you! Instead of focusing on pounds lost, track changes in your body composition, muscle mass, water and protein levels!  Learn more at: