
Get all the information you need in one place with the integrated smart WiFi scale and dashboard

SureFiz ™ scale provides your status at a glance The scale screen provides your overall performance and sub goals achievements visually. It shows you how far your are from your next sub goal. The dashboard is easy to follow The dashboard gives you the options for normal weight management dashboard or an athelic dashborad with comprehensive body composition analyses SureFiz ™ is your own social medium for +ive reinforcement Positive reinforcement is an integral part of SureFiz ™ . The reinforcement is not only from the system but also from the member of your accountibility circle. For more information Please visit:

Are you Looking for How to Lose Weight Fast? Keep Reading!

When you ask anyone or search on Google, “ How to lose weight fast ?” you’ll likely get the same answer. And, that’s dieting or weight loss pills or workout. If you take advice from a health expert, you’ll definitely get dozens of different methods regarding dieting and weight loss pills. But hey, the pills are very expensive and also bad for health, the diets are too complicated, and the workouts are exhausting. So, how to lose weight fast without being crazy? What does it take to lose weight? Consider the following points for weight-loss success. Be ready : Just wondering about how to lose weight fast , reading some stuff about this, and scrolling through some best weight loss apps is not enough. Weight loss takes efforts and will power. You need to be sure that you’re ready for the upcoming change in your lifestyle. Ask yourself, am I prepared to change eating habits? Am I prepared to change the habits of regular activity? When you’re ready, you’ll be more passion...

More than just a scale

At the heart of the SureFiz ®  system is our innovative, patent-pending WiFi scale that does so much more than measure weight. Dynamically integrated with the smart dashboard, our system provides comprehensive body composition measurements, trend data and visual tracking of progress toward weekly sub goals and your overall weight loss goal.  When you step on the scale, the system immediately integrates with the smart dashboard, which you can access through a smartphone application or web browser. The dashboard provides a customizable view of the data you need, with athlete mode available for those interested in more detail. In addition to weekly sub goal performance and overall tracking toward your long-term weight loss goal , stay informed with full body composition measurements and trend data including: weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat, body water, muscle mass and bone mass. Specifications  • WiFi synchronization     • Precision 0....

How To Lose Weight & Program

Weight Management System - We've integrated real health research throughout our technology. We've built an innovative system with a human touch. It is effective and affordable. Rich research-based features. Best Weight loss through dynamic and adaptive short-term goals. Instant feedback through scale and smartphone. Innovative accountability circle Experts' advice and recommendation Affordable. For more information please visit:

weight loss

If you're struggling with weight loss , it might be time to switch your scale. Introducing the SureFiz system, an integrated and interactive framework to manage a user’s weight loss journey, complete with an innovative, patent-pending Wi-Fi scale and a suite of smart applications equipped to provide feedback and expert advice.

Why SureFiz

We've integrated real health research throughout our technology. We've built an innovative system with a human touch. It is effective and affordable. Rich research-based features Weight loss through dynamic and adaptive short-term goals Instant feedback through scale and smart phone Innovative accountability circle Experts' advice and recommendation Affordable For more information please visit:

Receive feedback each time you step on the scale

According to Telemed J E Health, feedback from a counselor regarding goals, progress, and results can encourage, motivate, and assist. The SureFiz ® system puts this finding into practice, with a system that provides immediate feedback at the point you need it most – right when you step on the scale. Through custom smartphone notifications the system provides immediate feedback on progress toward your goals and direct access to additional tools and resources. Just click on the link in the message for direct access to in-depth details such as recipes, workout routines and other tips from resources vetted by the SureFiz ® system team. With the SureFiz ® system, receive tailored guidance and directions to encourage, motivate and assist you throughout your weight management journey.  Source By: